Teaser Stump Speech I Gave at the Last County Meeting

Good evening, I am Matt Lorence. Some of you know me in my current role as the vice chair of the Sarpy County Libertarian Party. Tonight I am also going to speak in an additional capacity that as a politician. For I have decided to run for Sarpy County Sheriff.

Choosing sheriff over all other races. The reason is that the office happens to be a powerful nullification tool for liberty lovers. The sheriff has the duty and responsibility to interpose themselves between present and future unjust and unlawful acts. They have the ability to exercise enforcement discretion on the side of defending our natural rights. They can delegitimize unconstitutional laws at the local level that the Supreme Court, by design, legitimizes on the federal level.

Running for county sheriff will also provide the opportunity to push economic education. By inspiring our community to learn economics they will empower themselves not to be taken advantage of. They will be able to see through the technocrats who carry water for policies that impair our prosperity.

To take back our liberties we have to start at the local level. With the sheriff providing confidence for mass noncompliance Sarpy county can become the most prosperous county in the nation. It will become an incredibly attractive place for professionals, entrepreneurs, and families because of the drastic increase in market opportunities. By making property taxes, inheritance taxes, income taxes, inflation tax, licensing, and permits etc. null and void. Once we have proven our will and conviction we will have the political capital to help spread these ideas to other counties and eventually more effectively exercise the 10th Amendment on the state level.

The strategy will be one that continues long after the 2022 election cycle has ended. By not making this race about me but instead making it about the principles of liberty and sound economics. Holding whomever is sheriff accountable to their oath of office. Getting involved with the Tri-County Citizens Corp and beginning to influence the deputies and other community members. This way the people that this message resonates with will always be audible ensuring a market demand for liberty minded people to step up and run a principled campaign for sheriff.

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Teaser Stump Speech I Gave at the Last County Meeting

2 thoughts on “Teaser Stump Speech I Gave at the Last County Meeting

  1. Matt,

    As a military veteran myself, I welcome your entrance into this race. I think Sheriff Davis has abused his power as Sheriff of Sarpy County and placed his personal ambitions and monetary gains above his duties and responsibilities to the citizens of this county. He has allowed some “shady” deputies to overstep their boundaries and instead of curtail their power against the citizens, he has emboldened them to persist with enforcing unlawful mandates and has allowed corruption to run rampant throughout our county. I’d like to know your exact plans to combat this corruption moving forward and welcome any candidate that has served and especially one that looks the part.

    1. Chad,

      Thank you for the encouraging words. I am pleased to see fellow Sarpy residents and veterans sharing similar concerns. As to your question my exact plan would be first to interview all of my deputies. Allow them to share what their oath of office means to them and what they think their role in the community as deputies are. If they do not share my views on natural rights and enforcing the constitution I will ask them to put in for a transfer or resign. If a large portion of the deputies transfer or resign I will use posse comitatus until qualified candidates can be hired.

      After this interview process is complete I will go out on patrols periodically to personally see that the new mission statement is lived. The mission statement of protecting property and defend our neighbors against unconstitutional laws from the state and federal governments. This also goes along with removing any military style gear such as tactical vests. If the deputies are dressed like an occupation force in a foreign land then it is not hard to why they would have that mentality. Additionally, I would ensure training on the constitution and natural rights philosophy is provided and encouraged.

      If you have any follow up questions ask away. I apologize for just now getting to this. I will check this more frequently from now on.

      Thank you,

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